Create Your Workflow

This section explains the creation of workflows, work assignment and utilization of different roles create approval matrix.


We understand that every organization might have a different work process or approval matrix. We also understand that multiple people might involved in one task. Without a clear process and transparency, it is difficult for everyone involved to work efficiently and be productive. Workflows in Rubick OS Flow enable organisations to create custom workflows at an order level to streamline operations and provide 100% transparency to the work. Let us understand more about workflows.

What is a workflow in Rubick OS?

We have created and onboarded different users for different roles. You can read more about roles here.


After creating an order, it must be alloted to the users to work on it. This might involve a series of people working one after the other in different roles. This is enabled using workflows in Rubick OS Flow. You can build your custom flow as per your needs and processes.

Workflows in Rubick OS are sequential steps followed by people in certain roles created by the admin or account manager for that order. Each user receives the order in the workflow sequence and must complete the task for the next user in the workflow to receive the task. There can be any number of roles which could be repeated twice while creating a workflow.

Below is a sample workflow:

Please note that one order can have only one workflow. Please create two separate orders if the SKUs in a single order need different processes.

How to create a workflow?

You can create a workflow by following the steps below:

  1. Click Send in the Production Stages column on the order dashboard to create the workflow.

  1. Start selecting the roles in the order of their work. If needed, click on the plus icon to add the same role twice. You will see a visual of your workflow in the section below the roles.

  1. Once you have selected the required roles for the order, assign an end date and time for each role and click on next. This will send the order to production with the workflow attached to that order.

Note that workflow can't be altered once created and sent to production.

How to assign users in a workflow?

Once the workflow is created, it is time to assign the users. User assignment can be done for all SKUs or a set of SKUs or individually. Depending on the volume and resource availability, you can assign users and the Turn Around Time (TAT) for each role.

Below are the steps to follow:

  1. Click on the three dots in the orders section and select reassign.

  1. You will see a list of SKUs with the current stage and the account manager already added to the workflow.

  1. Assign users individually at an SKU level. This is feasible when a limited number of SKUs are to be processed. You can click on the dropdowns of roles selected and choose from the list of the users onboarded for those roles. If you don't find the users, you may have to invite them to the organisation in that role.

  1. Alternatively, you can also bulk assign the tasks at once. This is helpful when processing millions of SKUs at once. You can choose the number of tasks to be assigned, the users in those repsective roles, and assign the tasks.

How to track the work status?

Once assigned, the users will get the notifications of allotment and start seeing the orders and SKUs assigned in their dashboard.

  • As a writer, you can see the list of SKUs assigned to you and the complete workflow for each SKU. You will see all the next steps and the people who are assigned to those steps.

  • As a user waiting for the next steps, you will see the SKUs assigned to you in the upcoming orders. Once the user in the previous step starts submitting, these SKUs will start moving into production.

  • As an Account manager or admin, you can track all the SKUs with the progress at the SKU level and see the number of SKUs completed in the dashboard.

Last updated