Create Your Order

This section talks about the creation of orders for cataloging and content work.


Rubick OS Flow is built to provide 100% transparency and hold everyone accountable for the deliverables without confusion. Orders are the first step in creating a batch of work to be processed. You can create content or cataloging work or create the order as a project or SKU-level task, track the status, assign an owner, assign steps to complete the order, etc.

Creating an Order

Orders on Rubick OS Flow have 3 major components:

  1. Order Details Input:

Rubick OS flow allows the orders to be categorized into -

a. Cataloging: All orders to be cataloged to a certain template to upload on a marketplace or your site.

b. Content: All orders where the content will be written on a given topic(s).

c. Other Tasks: All orders outside the cataloging and content are categorized under this bucket. This includes one-time activities like image editing or video creation, etc.

In the next step, the orders are categorized by their work type for catalog and content as Project and SKU. This decides if the order requires an SKU input file to be processed in master data management. SKU-type orders require an SKU Input Template. Read more about the template creation in the next section.

In the next step, give your order a name to identify or search later. Select the order type from production or POC.

a. Proof of Concept (POC) is an order executed to run tests or check the feasibility of the order.

b. Production orders are live customer orders. POCs run for the customer/client can be tagged to the production order as a reference.

Next, choose the account manager for your order. This user owns the order and holds all the approval and rejection rights. The account manager must manage the workflow, work assignment, and order approvals. Also, choose the client name and client POC for the order.

An order can be created either by an admin or an account manager.

Refer to Clients and POCs to add new client or POC.

Clients and POCs

Select the Client Work Type from a drop-down or custom value if you don't find the desired choice in the list. Also, define your Turn Around Time (TAT), number of SKUs and describe your requirement in short.

If you are creating content orders, you will also have the option to choose if you want to enable auto-generation of the content using Rubick Copilot and enable plagiarism checks through Copyscape.

This finishes the step 1 out of 3 steps in creating the order. Click on next to move to masters and input data management.

  1. Masters and Input Data Management

This section allows you to upload the guidelines for the order, scope of work, and other additional reference documents for all orders.

Along with the other documents, the SKU order types also have an SKU editor template, which is the input template file that must be uploaded while creating the order with all input values. This template varies for content and catalog orders. The sample template can be downloaded from the download button on the screenshot above.

Read more about template creation in the next section of click here.

Prepare Input Template
  1. Commercials Management

Rubick OS Flow also lets you manage your order commercials in the same flow. You can choose from

a. Project Level Pricing

This is a single price applicable for the entire project with no breakdowns. You will input the total revenue expected from the project.

b. SKU Level Pricing

You can define the cost per SKU for the project and a cost breakdown by capturing the cost payable to the writer/freelancer to work on this project.

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