Complete Your Catalog

This section talks about how to complete your catalog

Accessing your uploaded SKUs

Once the order and workflow is created, the users can access the SKUs and uploaded by double clicking on the order. The preview of the order shows the SKU uploaded, order details, files updated while creating the order, billing info and section to assign users where they can see the list of assignments and can assign the SKUs that are unassigned from here.

Click on the edit SKUs to start working on the tasks assigned.

Generate Attributes and Content Using AI

The data imported through the import sheet is populated in the SKU editor. Read more about SKU editor here.

The platform only needs images to start with the catalog enrichment. You can click on the formula button in the third row of the SKU editor to start using the Rubick Copilot.

Using Rubick Copilot, you can start with the enrichment of the attributes using the formula called enrich. Click on the insert dropdown and choose enrich.

This will populate the formula for enriching the window.

This will look as below

enrich (Select Columns) additional-instructions = Write additional instruction

Select columns will open a dropdown to show the list of images and other attributes to be used for attribute extraction. You can also provide additional instructions, which can be guidelines, exceptions, rules to be taken care of, etc.

Choose the columns where the details are to be populated or create a new column if you don't find your desired column name in your template and click on apply. The AI will kick in and start populating the results.

If you frequently use this formula, you can save it as a template by naming it. All saved templates can be accessed from the "Apply Template" dropdown menu.

In the same way, you can generate content like product titles, descriptions, and style notes using the formula.

Click on the insert dropdown and choose generate.

This will populate the formula for generate the window.

This will look as below

generate (Select Columns), type = Select Type, prompt = Write additional instructions

Select columns will open a dropdown to show the list of images and other attributes to be used for generating content. The type will show a dropdown with the option to choose from a description, style note, and title. You can also provide additional instructions, which can be guidelines, exceptions, rules to be taken care of, etc.

Choose the columns where the details are to be populated or create a new column if you don't find your desired column name in your template and click on apply. The AI will kick in and start populating the results.

This will cover your content and attributes as part of the catalog.

Edit Your Images

You can also bulk edit your images on OS using the Rubick Copilot. You can edit images for preconfigured settings of a select few marketplaces or configure your own editing settings.

To edit images, click on the insert dropdown and choose

a. editimage (for custom configuration)

This will populate the formula for generate the window.

This will look as below

editImage( Select columns), background = ([colour icon] #000000 ,0%), width = ----- px, height = ----px, app =

Choose columns will give a dropdown of all image columns to select, you can configure the background colour, width and height of the image to set your configuration.

Choose the columns where the details are to be populated or create a new column if you don't find your desired column name in your template and click on apply. The AI will kick in and start populating the results.

b. editimagetemplate (for preconfigured edit settings)

This will populate the formula for generate the window.

This will look as below

editImageFromTemplate( Select columns), template = Marketplace Name

Choose columns will give a dropdown of all image columns to select, you can pick your desired marketplace configuration to apply the edits on your images.

Choose the columns where the details are to be populated or create a new column if you don't find your desired column name in your template and click on apply. The AI will kick in and start populating the results.

Run a Quality Check

All the generated data will be populated as per the choosen columns while generating the data. You can assign the users to check the QC on the generated.

Integrations with Grammarly enables the check of spellings and grammar errors automatically. Fill rate indicators in the SKU editors (The first two columns) help in identifying if the catalog completion is upto the mark.

TC stands for total completion which gives the % of completion of all attributes and MC stands for mandatory completion which gives the % of the completion of the mandatory attributes.

The colour coding or columns also indicates the mandatory columns and missing mandatory values in the enriched catalog.

Other options in Formulas


Translate your existing data to 50+ languages with single formula.

Choose translate from insert dropdown. Choose your columns to translate and target language from the list.

Choose the columns where the details are to be populated or create a new column if you don't find your desired column name in your template and click on apply. The AI will kick in and start populating the results.


You can concatenate the values from mutliple columns to single column based on your rules using concat.

E.g. If your title is supposed to be Brand + Gender + Colour + Fit + Sleeve and all these are available as individual attributes, you can combine them for all SKUs with one formula.

Select the required columns to be combined along with your delimiter.

Choose the columns where the details are to be populated or create a new column if you don't find your desired column name in your template and click on apply. The AI will kick in and start populating the results.

Generate Content in Bulk

You can generate content like features, descriptions for those features based on the product details in bulk use generateBulk

Select the required columns to be used for generating content, type of content to generate, number of such features or descriptions to be generated, and additional instructions. You can also define to the content type for header and description as title, paragraph, and bullet points along with example content while defining the word count.

Choose the columns where the details are to be populated or create a new column if you don't find your desired column name in your template and click on apply. The AI will kick in and start populating the results.

Health Score

You can generate health score for the entire catalog which is measured across 50+ data points covering title, description, images, attributes, videos and A+ pages using healthScore.

Read more about Health Score here

Choose the columns where the details are to be populated or create a new column if you don't find your desired column name in your template and click on apply. The AI will kick in and start populating the results.


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