
This section explains different roles, definition of each role, modification of user roles and removal of user roles.

Role Definition

Role Role Definition


Admin is the owner of the organization and has master rights to make any changes in the organization, and roles, add users, and remove users. Admin will have access to all modules, product information, and orders in Flow and modify information in all modules.

Account Manager

Account Manager is the owner of a particular order or a client and has master rights to make changes in roles, add users, and remove users. The account manager will have access to only applications, product information, and orders in Flow where they are account managers, and will be able to modify information in all such applications. Account manager has access to create workflows, assign work to users in other roles, and approve the orders to completion.


Cataloguer is the user who will generally take the first step in enriching the information in Flow in a cataloging project. Cataloguers can also see the work assigned to them in Flow and can edit that product information.

Cataloguer QC

Cataloguer QC is the user who will generally take the second step in validating information in Flow in a cataloging project. Cataloguers QC can only see the work when completed by the user before them in the flow assigned to them in Flow and can edit that product information.


Writer is the user who will generally take the first step in writing the content in Flow in a content project. Writers can see the work assigned to them in Flow and can only work on those projects.


Editor is the user who will generally take the second step in validating and editing the content in Flow in a content project. Editors can only see the work when completed by the user before them in the workflow assigned to them in Flow and can edit that content.

Data Science

Data Science is the role assigned to the user when you need a tech intervention by the Rubick BAU team.

Modifying Roles

One email, one user can be assigned only to one role. Once a role is assigned, no one can change the role assigned. In order to make modifications, Admin and AM can remove a user from their by clicking on the delete icon (Add a screenshot) and reinvite the user to a different rule.

Check below to learn how to receive and accept invitations.

📂Create your Account

Removing a User from a Role

In order to remove a user from a role, Admin and AM can remove a user from their current roles by clicking on the delete icon (Add a screenshot). Add what happens to that order and work.


Rubick OS is built for enterprises with large teams to work together, better, with 100% transparency. To enable teams to work on the same project, a user can invite other users in the same role or above them in the hierarchy as collaborators. The invited and the invitee will see all the information about each other's orders in the flow and take action as allowed for their roles.

Last updated